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Range-Rover-Classic history site will return.

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Land-Rover Range Rover Classic

Welcome to my Range Rover Classic knowledge website                                          


   The Land-Rover Range Rover Classic revolutionized the auto industry in 1970 with the launch of the Range Rover. No one had ever before seen such an outstanding 4x4 vehicle. Style, comfort, speed, outstanding off road as well as on road ride to the highest level and was so ahead of its time so it stayed in production for 25 years, almost unchanged to its original principles. During its lifespan the Range Rover Classic developed from a luxury Land-Rover for the farmer to a high-tech noblige in the SUV market.

   Still today the Range Rover Classic is real pleasure to drive and live with, either an early 1970's Range Rover or a 1995 Range Rover Classic, or someone in between.


   This Range Rover Classic website contains in detail year by year development and a huge amount of Range Rover Classic specialties and curiosities.




© BMIHT - All publicity material and photographs originally produced for/by Rover Company, BMC, BMH, British Leyland Motor Corporation and Rover Group including all its subsidiary companies is the copyright of the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust and is reproduced on this website with permission. Permission to use images does not imply the assignment of copyright, or the right to retain, re-distribute, or re-use the images for any other purpose.










It is so nice to receive all the wonderful emails 


telling that you get valueable and interesting information about the Range Rover Classic to help you with your project, 


or just that you visit my site because you have 


interest or passion for these fantastic     Range Rover Classic's.


If you want to support my work by a donation,  

I will be very grateful.



Thanks !

Vidar Eriksen


Vidar Eriksen, owner of 










This site is my tribute to the best ever SUV; Range Rover Classic.


For updated information of the current Land-Rover product range, please visit the official Land-Rover site:


The illustrations and elements used at this site are of fantastic and historic Range Rover Classic's held in an astonish condition

and they are used because they are representative for the specific Model Year covered.


Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and gain permission for use of the images within this collection.

I would be grateful for any information concerning copyright and will withdraw images immediately on copyright holder’s request.


For any question or comments, send a mail to

Range Rover Classic 1970-1996.jpg
Range Rover Classic 25 year celebration.jpg
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